The Ready Foundation is a donor-advised fund administered by the National Christian Foundation. The purpose of the fund is to grow contributions in order to establish a monetary base (an endowment) from which charitable grants can be made. The Ready Foundation is dedicated to making grants that will support the goals of empowering mentorship and discipleship, resourcing mentorship efforts, and growing local efforts to grow mentorship programs.
"Money invested in an endowment today will help the ministry long after the donor is gone. I ask everyone to prayerfully consider joining with me to partner with the Ready Foundation to create a substantial endowment for the Royal Rangers ministry so it will have the financial resources it needs to reach boys for Christ until Jesus returns.” - Jonathan Trower
"I firmly believe that the "29.11 Project" is a beacon of hope, ensuring a secure and thriving future for the Royal Rangers program. The dedication of the business community, including myself, to support and contribute to this project is a testament to our shared belief in the positive impact Royal Rangers has on young lives.” - Rich Mariott